
Showing posts from October, 2022

Scene analysis

Scenes from the movie : Girl, Interrupted  SCENE 1: camerawork is used in the opening POV shot showing barred windows and Lisa getting out of a police car, this suggests that Susannah feels imprisoned and trapped in this place, this creates a representation of mental wellbeing in the 1960s not being looked at as an actual illness and rather as a police matter.  A zooming in close up shot of Georgina's facial expression is then seen where she looks scared of Lisa foreshadowing that something bad is about to happen and that Lisa is potentially dangerous. This creates representation of the stereotype that mentally ill people are bad and to be feared.  Mise En Scene is used to further suggest the feeling of imprisonment through Susannah's clothes, she is wearing a black and white stripy top similar to that of a prisoner's uniform, reinforcing the representation that the mentally ill should be locked up away from society. A low angle shot of Lisa su