TV Drama Revision

 Monday 29th April 2024


Brody - terrorist, possible attack, Carrie fighting to prevent attack and reveal Brody as terrorist.

Jess and Mike affair - Mike is Brody's best friend, melodramatic

Carrie's mental health - she has bipolar, takes medication everyday, affects her work 

Dana and Chris kids - rebellious narrative, stereotype

Jess and Brody - relationship breakdown - keeping secrets, uncomfortable 

Enigma codes?

why did Brody kill Tom Walker?

Why is he lying about it?

Why was he focused on the Whitehouse?

Why is he lying about meeting Abu-Nasir?

Why did he lie to Jess?

What is the attack?

Will Carrie find him out? Will Carrie get sent to prison?

Neale - Genre?
Thriller/espionage/Drama - hybrid of genres
result of 9/11 the spy genre has re-emerged in popularity.

Todorov - Narrative?

Equilibrium - CIA, power of the East as US don's suspect attack, Carrie is unstable

Disruption - Brody's release, Carries suspicions make her superior

Recognition - confides in Saul - men higher than women

Attempt to resolve - spies illegally - she is unstable, crazy, unreliable

New equilibrium - no as it is a TV series

Opening Baghdad scene:

Barthes - 

Levi Strauss- 


The Killing:

Thriller - genre created through:

lighting: dark - dangerous, woman running 

camerawork - close up on her face - fear 

sound - fast breathing and running - scared, creepy non diegetic music - suspense



Disruption: missing girl - realise its Theis' daughter

Recognition: discovery of the body

Attempt to resolve: 

New equilibrium:

initially shown Denmark's views on gender equality compared to the US

Sarah respected vs Carrie humiliated 

Tuesday 30th April 2024                             Exam practise 2

How far do LFTVD incorporate the dominant conventions, viewpoints and ideologies the countries in which they are produced?


Question 3: 30 marks 55 mins 6 paragraphs

  • context
  • theory
  • LIAR
  • judgement

Intro - context of production and consumption - 2 paras

        -Homeland - Hesmondhalgh, Curran and & Seaton - dont need to explain the theory just mention
        -The Killing - Hesmondhalgh

1 - conventions incorporated in Homeland and The Killing (Neale/genre. Todorov) - 2 paras

2 - viewpoints and ideologies in Homeland (western superiority/ Gilroy) and The Killing (gender equality/ butler) - 2 paras

use context throughout everything.

3 - judgement 


The two long form TV dramas, Homeland and The Killing, were produced differently on vastly contrasting budgets. 
Homeland was produced by the cable channel Showtime on a big budget, receiving over 1 million viewers for the pilot episode. 

Tuesday 7th May 2024                         LO: To revise key representations of the set texts

Carrie - 

Brody - 

Social context (social attitudes, society issues)


  • gender inequality - van zoonen , Hall - absence of females
  • class division in terms of west vs east - levi strauss
  • age - younger - not trusted, uncontrollable - Dana
  • heteronormative ideology


  • gender equality - van zoonen
  • racial inequality - Hall - absence of ethnicities
  • class division - Sweden
  • age - rebellious- partying, deceiving parents
  • heteronormative ideology

Cultural context (shared values and beliefs) (behaviours)


  • culture of Baghdad - death penalty


Historical events:

  • 9/11 - fear of espionage
  • Sweden and Denmark rivalry 
  • financial crisis
Economic context:
  • DR1 low budget - the killing - on location, everyday actors
  • Showtime big budget - Homeland - 2 locations, big star actors

Political context:



codes and conventions long form TV dramas reflect the different roles attitudes and beliefs of the audience that consume them. How far do you agree with the statement

production of HL and TK


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